Archive Nidra

Web of Life


03/12/20 05:30 PM (33 minutes)

Live @ HPRC Connection

On March 12, 2020, after having spent the last 5 years completely dedicated to practicing and developing the skills and wisdom required to induce an experience of radical healthfulness, healing, freedom, and wonder person to person, I walked into The HPRC Connection knowing that it was going to be my last opportunity for some time to make and share some the most meaningful art I have ever created.

I was more than ready. As is often the case, I was inspired to the point of tears on my drive to Eureka. There is nothing I believe in more strongly than the value of Yoga Nidra.

I am so grateful for the one student who showed up that day to my free weekly class I had been running for almost 2 years straight. She was very excited for her second nidra practice with me.

A recording can only be a tiny glimpse of what it is to practice nidra in a live setting with other humans right there next to you. It is a most precious gift and as my teacher Uma pointed out, if your heart is right, the Nidra Fairies always have your back. There really is no better explanation for all the completely magical shit I have seen.

From the lifelong insomniacs who now sleep fine to spontaneous cessation of chronic pain to environmental sounds that humorously respond to my words and all of the multitude of seemingly unrelated health improvements my students confidentiality attribute to the practice, the abundant magic of Yoga Nidra for me has completely invalidated any conventional model of health and healing based on objective measurement or linear thinking.

The human being's ability to heal and generate health is quantum and boundless and in my research it seems to be aided the most by close proximity to other beings where we are able to share the embodied experience of loving and being loved. Another thing that helps is seeing other people smile.

Fortunately, sometimes a glimpse of magic is all you need. Just to remember that it is real, to remember you are the magic, you are a miracle, just the fact that you are alive and aware is astounding.

This recording is special. It simultaneously contains both my boldest innovations in the practice and the wisdom, sensibilities, and language of my teachers who came before me. I find it important to note that I did not plan or write any of this beforehand. The process for creation is: talk to the student, see the student, lock the door, pray for grace, dig deep, and let er rip.

This may not be the best practice for beginners as it is rather evocative in all the right ways. Yoga Nidra is my prayer. It is my medicine walk. I offer this recording for free for the benefit of all beings. May it help you practice sovereignty in your health and wellbeing.

Settling Explorations > Rotation > Heart Breath > Web of Life > Feeling State Evocations > Externalization